Bachelor in Spanish Language

University of Tripoli - Department of Spanish Language



The Spanish language BA program is one of the programs of the Spanish Language Department at the Faculty of Languages at the University of Tripoli. The program gains its importance from the great importance of the Spanish language, as more than 400 million people speak Spanish in the world, and it is the third language after Chinese and English in terms of number of speakers. In addition, it is the official language in Spain and in nineteen countries in America and the Caribbean (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay , Argentina, Chile, and Puerto Rico). Moreover, Spanish is the mother tongue in whole or in part in some areas of the United States of America (New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, California, Florida). It is also used in some areas in the Philippines and on the island of Trinidad near Venezuela, and it is an official and educational language of Equatorial Guinea, where it is spoken by more than three hundred thousand people.

The  plan of this program is based on providing a set of language skills that will graduate students with the skills needed by the labor market in terms of taking responsibility and mastering the use of technology, in addition to the basic knowledge that they acquire during their studies on the Spanish language.

After the student passes the introductory stage and obtains the percentage of his qualification to join the Spanish language department, he begins his journey in studying this language over the course of eight semesters, which is equivalent to four years. It includes Arabic and foreign languages as a general subject, in addition to Islamic education.

During this period, the skills of using the Spanish language and its culture are refined and developed by the student, and when he passes all these courses successfully, he obtains a BA in Spanish from the Faculty of Languages - University of Tripoli.


  • The student should be able to show specialized scientific knowledge in the field of the uses of the Spanish language and translation from and to it.
  • To familiarize the student with the basic concepts in scientific research.
  • The student must show his ability to enroll in a postgraduate program.
  • The student should be able to engage professionally in jobs related to his specialization.


  • Proficiency in the Spanish language, which allows the student to speak, communicate and write in it.
  • The ability to translate from Spanish into Arabic and vice versa.
  • Knowledge of a second foreign language in addition to the Spanish language and the Arabic language as a mother tongue.
  • Communication with languages ​​and cultures based on the concept of cultural diversity.

Certificate Rewarded

  • Bachelor's degree in Spanish language

Entry Reuirements

  • Obtaining a high school diploma.
  • The student's grade should be 56%.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Spanish Language prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Spanish Language. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 136 units, which include 18 units of general subjects, and 118 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SL19100 General French Language 02 Compulsory +

This course focuses on the basic principles of the French language, as it contains oral and written communication in various everyday situations. Therefore, the subjects related to the basics are given priority in this course and the students will get practical tools, useful structures and vocabulary that they use more independently in order to understand the French language And to be understood by people who speak this language, emphasis is also placed on preparing the student to engage in the French language department. It is hoped that this new organization of educational materials and objectives will serve the real educational transformation, which is represented in reorienting foreign language learning towards more effective educational methods.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AREN200 Arabic Language 2 02 General AREN19100 +

This course is concerned with teaching students the correct structure of Arabic sentences, developing students’ linguistic skills i.e. morphological, grammatical, written, text processing, clarifying sentences and sound linguistic structures according to the rules of the Arabic language, and preserving students’ tongues and pens from making mistakes.

ESEN200 Lengua Extranjera (2) 02 Compulsory +

ES117 Cultura Española (2) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the study courses taught in the second semester by two hours per week. It is required for his study that the student has passed the Spanish public language course for the preliminary stage. This course aims to introduce the student to the most important cultural aspects of Spanish society. This course contains the following:The general concept of the term (HISPANO) and the importance of the Spanish language globally.The geographical location of Spain and the political system of government.The most important cultural manifestations of Spanish society.Economic importance.Some customs and traditions that distinguish Spanish society from other European societies.

ES116 Fonética (2) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the academic courses taught in the second semester by two hours per week. It is required for his study that the student has passed the Spanish public language course for the preliminary stage. The study hours are divided into a theory, devoted to explaining the established lesson, and other practical hours through which to apply what was explained through practical exercises and questions.This course contains the following:Audio science: the general concept and its branches.Voice units: definition, concept and difference between them.Toning or intonation and its types.Voice clips: their definition, their types, and the rules used to divide words into sound clips.The general rules followed for verbal and written tightening of words.

ES115 Ortografía (2) 02 Compulsory +

A subject taught to students in the second semester after passing the first stage and being assigned to the department. It is a course to develop the student's skills in Spanish writing and to identify the variety of phonetic and consonant letters in the Spanish language. It is a course taught for two hours per week.

ES113 Composición (2) 02 Compulsory +

Creation subject (2) Come on a subject taught in the second semester of new students who are affiliated with the department after passing the preliminary stage. The total balance of teaching hours is only two weekly hours, including the high and practical side, but it is based on the most practical thing to develop the student's written skills and creations.This course contains the following:Simple connection tools.Writing simple texts using the present time.Description using basic actions in the present time.Developing the skill of expression and writing for the student.Use the principles of dictation properly and properly.Using the concept of written expression and its importance in learning the language.

ES112 Gramática (2) 04 Compulsory +

It is one of the study courses taught in the second semester. The total hours are four hours of teaching per week. The hours are divided as follows:Two hours of theoretical: through which the established lesson is explained.Two hours practical: through which what has been explained is applied through practical exercises and questions.This course contains the following:Knowing the scientific meaning of the term rules.Knowing the basic and simple rules.Discrimination in the uses of prepositions.Knowing the uses and behavior of action in the present.

ES114 Conversación (2) 02 Compulsory +

It is a subject taught in the second semester. The total balance of teaching hours is two hours per week. The goals of teaching this course: so that the student can:Developing speaking and listening skills.Correctly pronounce the language.Knowing the letters of letters in a correct way.Gain self -confidence to challenge the Spanish language.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ES202 Gramática (3) 04 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the third semester with four teaching hours per week, and it is required to study it that the student has passed the previous course (Rules 2), and the study hours are divided as follows:Two hours theoretical: during which the scheduled lesson is explained.Practical two hours: during which what has been explained is applied through practical exercises and questions.This course contains the following subjects:Uses of reflexive verbs.Uses of prepositions.Uses of relative pronouns.Uses of the past tense.Uses of the past perfect tense.Uses of the compound past tense.uses of the future tense

ES203 Composición (3) 02 Compulsory +

It is a subject taught in the third semester after the students pass the composition (2) subject. The total balance of teaching hours is two hours per week. It includes the theoretical and practical aspects, as it is based on the practical aspect in its entirety in order to develop the student’s writing skills and creativity.This course contains the following subjects:Connectivity Tools.Writing texts using different tenses.Developing the student's expression and writing skills.Writing letters of all kinds; Private messages, invitation letters, complaint letters....etcKnowledge of the language of advertisements in various fields and how to formulate them.The ability to distinguish between different types of texts.

ES204 Conversación (3) 02 Compulsory +

It is a subject taught in the third semester, after the student passes Conversation (2), as it is taught for two hours per week.Objectives of teaching this course so that the student can:Develop speaking and listening skills.improve pronunciation.Practice simple conversations.Gain self-confidence to be challenged in Spanish.Develop intonation in students.

ES206 Introducci'on a la Literatura 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the third semester for two hours per week. It is required to study it that the student has passed the Spanish culture (2) course. This course aims to create bridges of definition and presentation of Spanish literature for students.This course contains the following subjects:The importance of literature, the diversity of its arts, and its expression of the collective self of man and nature, such as poetry, prose, stories, novels, etc., in daily life, because of the importance of these readings (comprehensive literature) in clarifying the features of the identity of Spanish writers, Spanish literature and its stages, the most important literary currents or trends, and comprehensive literary criticism.

ESEN300 Lengua Extranjera (3) 02 Compulsory +

AREN300 Arabic Language 3 02 General AREN200 +

This course is concerned with developing the student's linguistic skills, including grammar, morphology, and spelling, and applying them to Quranic and poetic texts.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR201 Lengua Árabe (4) 02 Compulsory +

Arabic language is one of the most important linguistic subjects because it is our tongue and whoever is not fluent in its language has no language. This is why the Arabic language is considered the fourth level as a complement to a course for an integrated curriculum. This subject is concerned with developing the student’s linguistic skills, especially grammatical, through the application of some Quranic and poetic texts.

ESEN400 Lengua Extranjera (4) 02 Compulsory +

ES217 Literatura Española (1) 04 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the fourth semester, at a rate of four hours per week. In order to study it, the student must have passed the Introduction to Literature course. This course aims to introduce students to Spanish literature. This course contains the following topics:Knowledge of the most prominent creative production of Spanish literature.The students will be familiar with the development of Spanish literature, which is considered a specificity similar to preserving the Spanish language and keeping pace with the stages of Spanish literary life during its various stages of development.Learn about the reasons for awarding several Nobel Prizes for Spanish Literature.

ES208 Textos (1) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the fourth semester, at a rate of two hours per week. In order to study it, the student must have passed the course of dictation (2) and composition (2), and it focuses on training the student to read the various texts critically and evaluatively, identify the relationships of implicit meanings, understand between the lines, and deepen understanding, expression and conclusion.This course contains the following vocabulary:Knowing what the text is linguistically and literary.Identify the purpose of writing the text.Recognize the features and characteristics of the text.Distinguish between the types of texts by identifying the three levels of language (educated, colloquial, popular).Recognizing the importance of the text as it constitutes one of the pillars of communication elements.Recognize the different writing styles and characteristics of texts (fictional, descriptive, objective, dialectical, dialogic, and didactic).Practice distinguishing between different types of texts through assignments, training exercises, analysis and criticism.

ES212 Gramática (4) 04 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that are taught in the fourth semester, after the student passes the grammar course (3). The total hours are four teaching hours per week. The academic hours are divided as follows:Two hours theoretical: during which the scheduled lesson is explained.Practical two hours: during which what has been explained is applied through practical exercises and questions.This course contains the following vocabulary:Enable the student to understand and comprehend the basic rules of the Spanish language.Enable the student to understand other uses of the verbs to be.Enabling the student to understand and assimilate the uses of conjunctions.Enabling the student to understand, assimilate, and use other relative pronouns.Enable the student to know and understand the uses of the simple future tense.Enable the student to know and understand the uses of the compound future tense.Enabling the student to know, understand and use the probabilistic present tense.Enabling the student to know, comprehend and use the probabilistic imperfect past tense

ES213 Composición (4) 04 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that are taught in the fourth semester for two hours per week, and it is required to study it that the student has passed the composition course (3). Pure and clear.This course contains the following subjects:Learn the language of personal diary writing.Knowledge of the rules and principles of writing reports of all kinds.Acquisition of more practical vocabulary in the student's educational biography.the biography.

ES215 Conversación (4) 02 Compulsory +

It is a subject taught in the fourth semester, after the student passes Conversation (3), as it is taught for two hours per week.Teaching this course aims to enable the student to:Develop speaking and listening skills.Improve pronunciation.The ability to communicate with Spanish speakers in various situations.Create real situations that the student can face in his life.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ES301 Ensayo (1) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that are taught in the fifth semester after the students pass the composition (4) and texts (2) subject. It is taught for two academic hours per week, including the theoretical and practical side, as it is based on the practical side in its entirety in order to develop the student’s skills and creativity in writing essays. .This course contains the following subjects:Date and origin of the article.The article in the ancient and modern era.Parts of the article: introduction, content and conclusion.Essay types: scientific, expository, polemical, critical, and literary.Read and analyze articles.

ICIEN100 Islamic Culture 02 University requirement +

The Islamic culture course is concerned with the spiritual aspect of the student, as it instills and deepens the correct concepts of the correct and moderate Islamic religion through defining it: by revelation - defining the Qur’an - etiquette of recitation - types of revelation - and revelations of the Qur’an, in addition to the Sunnah and its definition - and clarifying the types of Sunnah and their relationship to the Qur’an, with a focus on The concept of faith and Islam - the truth of faith - the pillars of faith and the increase and decrease of faith - the truth of Islam - the rules of Islam, the warning against extremism in religion - and the repulsiveness of extremism - and clarifying the types of exaggeration, then clarifying the aspect of worship and what it includes of purity and its provisions, pure and impure objects, ablution and washing And tayammum, and what is related to them in terms of rulings, and prayer and its rulings and its importance and the ruling of leaving it, then he mentioned aspects of the biography, which are represented in mentioning his lineage and examples of his biography and his morals.

ES308 Comprensión (1) 02 Compulsory +

In one of the courses taught in the fifth semester, after the student passes Grammar (4) and Conversation (4) successfully, with two teaching hours per week. This course aims to develop and improve the student's language skills to comprehend the content of written and audio texts.This course contains the following subjects:Grammatical Vocabulary: Practicing some concepts, tenses, grammatical structures and their uses.Vocabulary: acquiring and practicing new vocabulary and terms.Semantic and Expressive Vocabulary: Learn some expressions and linguistic structures and their uses.Cultural and social content: acquiring a variety of cultural and social information related to language learning and use.

ES307 Literatura Española (2) 04 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the fifth semester at the rate of four hours per week, and it is required for its study that the student has passed the Spanish Literature (1) course, and this course aims to introduce the student to Spanish literature.This course contains the following subjects:Knowledge of the most prominent creative production of Spanish literature.The student is familiar with the development of Spanish literature, which is considered a similar feature to preserve the Spanish language and keep pace with the stages of Spanish literary life during its various stages of development.Formation of the student conscious information from the literature course.Creating a conscious database on the stages of literary development.

ES216 Textos (2) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the fifth semester, at a rate of two hours per week. To study it, the student must have passed Texts (1), and it is based on training the student to read the various texts, critically and evaluatively.This course contains the following:Learn the different styles of writing texts and their characteristics according to their field: linguistic or literary.Practice distinguishing between different types of texts through assignments, training exercises, analysis and criticism.Studying the relationships of implicit meanings, understanding between the lines and deepening understanding, expression and conclusion.

ES302 Sintaxis (1) 04 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that are taught in the fifth semester, at the rate of four teaching hours per week, and it is required to study it that the student has passed the previous course, rules (4). The academic hours are divided as follows:Two hours theoretical: during which the scheduled lesson is explained.Practical two hours: during which what has been explained is applied through practical exercises and questions.This course contains the following subjects:Knowledge of the concept of grammatical structures and their derivation.Know the scientific difference between grammatical combinations and grammar.The most important terms and grammatical concepts used in the educational program.Types of simple sentences and their most important combinations.Functional sentence parts: the subject - the predicate and the words that replace it.

ES303 lingüística (1) 02 Compulsory +

A basic course taught to students in the fifth semester after passing Grammar 4. It aims to introduce the student to linguistics and its diversity in the Spanish language. Getting to know the most important linguists in general and Spanish linguistics in particular.

ES304 Traducción (1) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that are taught in the fifth semester at the rate of two hours per week, and it is required to study it that the student has passed the text (2) and (4) courses. It has been explained through different texts to translate it. This course is an introductory course on translation.

ES305 Analisis Contraste 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the fifth semester at a rate of two hours per week, and it is required to study it that the student has passed the conversation course (4). Between the mother tongue and the target language and employing them in language learning.This course contains the following subjects:The ability to analyze the vocabulary of the target language and its influence on other languages, especially the mother tongue.Employing the linguistic cultural heritage of the mother tongue to facilitate the learning of the target language.Develop the student's abilities to analyze and apply what he learned in practice.Enable the student to study and understand independently.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ES312 Sintaxis (2) 04 Compulsory +

It is taught to students in the sixth semester after passing the grammatical combinations course 1. The total number of hours is 4 per week. Including theory and exercises, including two hours theoretical. This course aims to develop the student's abilities to compose and explain sentences in the Spanish language and the ability to distinguish between types of sentences, as well as the ability to analyze grammatically and rhetorically for them.

ES320 Ensayo (2) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the sixth semester after students pass Article (1). It is taught for two study hours per week. It includes the theoretical and practical aspects, as it is based on the practical aspect in its entirety in order to develop the student’s skills and creativity in writing essays.This course contains the following subjects:Most important article book.Article structure.Essay writing techniques.Article writing steps.Read and analyze articles.Writing different articles.

ES313 lingüística (2) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the sixth semester, at a rate of two hours per week. To study it, the student must pass the previous course (Linguistics 1). The course aims to develop the student's skills in identifying the linguistic origins of the Spanish language, discrimination in phonetic outputs, and the diversity of language use by native speakers in Spain and Latin America. A basic subject taught for the sixth semester college, which is: Theoretical lectures.Practical exercises and periodic assignments.Tests.

ES314 Traducción (2) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the sixth semester, at a rate of two hours per week. To study it, the student must have passed translation course (1). The study hours are divided into theory, devoted to explaining the scheduled lesson, and other practical hours through which what has been explained through different texts is applied to translate it. This course is considered as an introduction to the science of translation in which it paves the way to identify the nature of translation as a whole according to scientific and educational bases studied and prepared to suit the capabilities of students, and includes, for example: a brief idea of ​​the first translators in Latin America, translation methods, problems, techniques and types.

ES316 Literatura Andalusí 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the sixth semester at the rate of two teaching hours per week. This course aims to study what characterizes Andalusian literature and the reasons for its remarkable prosperity due to the successive events that took place on the lands of the Iberian Peninsula, whether they were political, social or intellectual events.This course contains the following subjects:Arab Islamic culture in the peninsula and knowledge of the most prominent sects of that era.The most prominent literary styles that spread in Andalusia.Islamic conquests in Andalusia and its most prominent leaders.Andalusian poetry and prose.

ES317 Literatura Española (3) 04 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the sixth semester, at a rate of four hours per week. In order for the students to to study it, they must have passed the (Spanish literature course (2) ). This course aims to introduce students to Spanish literature. This course contains the following points :Knowledge of the most prominent creative production of Spanish literature.The student's familiarity with the development of Spanish literature, which is considered a specificity similar to preserving the Spanish language and keeping pace with the stages of Spanish literary life during its various stages of development.Configure the student aware information from the literature course.Configuring an informed database on the stages of literary development.

ES318 Comprensión (2) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the sixth semester at the rate of two teaching hours per week, and it is required for its study that the student pass the previous course, Comprehension (1) successfully, and this course is an extension of the subject Comprehension (1) as it aims to develop and improve the student’s language skills to comprehend the content of written and audio texts .This course contains the following subjects:Grammatical Vocabulary: Practice some concepts, tenses, and complex grammatical structures and their uses.Vocabulary: acquiring and practicing new vocabulary and terms.Semantic and Expressive Vocabulary: Learn and use some expressions and linguistic structures. Text anchors.Cultural and social content: acquiring a variety of cultural and social information related to language learning and use.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ES402 Sintaxis (3) 04 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the seventh semester, at the rate of four teaching hours per week, and it is required to study it that the student has passed the previous course (Grammatical Structures 2), and the study hours are divided as follows:Two hours theoretical: during which the scheduled lesson is explained.Practical two hours: during which what has been explained is applied through practical exercises and questions.This course contains the following subjects:Complements of the verb, the verbal group, and the most common forms of the verbal participle. Nominative news: the general concept and its formation.Grammatical description and functional description of the components of simple sentences.Compound sentence: the general concept and the most important links used in the formation of compound sentences.Some grammatical sources used in the formation of complex sentences: organization and overlapping, convergence, substitution or substitution.The grammatical and functional description of the components of compound sentences.

ES410 Métodos de Investigación 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that are taught in the seventh semester, two hours per week, and it is required to study it that the student has passed the Essay (2) course, and it focuses on training the student on how to scientific research and academic writing.This course contains the following subjects:The most important mechanisms and techniques that should be applied to write any scientific research properly.The most important correct criteria for choosing the research topic.The most important rules and basic requirements for writing and drafting a work or scientific research.How to follow and adhere to the scientific approaches used in various fields of knowledge.

ES408 Termonología 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that are taught in the seventh semester at a rate of two hours per week, and it is required to study it that the student has passed the translation course (2), and this subject is considered one of the complementary and important subjects alike. Written and oral communication, the use of modern technological tools, information and communication technology. The course is divided into two parts 1 and 2 for the student to study over two semesters.This course contains the following subjects:Realizing the concept of terminology as a system within the framework of contemporary linguistics.Know the current functions and applications of terminology and benefit from them, especially in the field of translation.Gaining the ability to classify specialized dictionaries in different fields of knowledge.Knowing the accepted conventions to deal with various texts.

ES406 Literatura de Ámerica Latina (1) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that are taught in the seventh semester, at the rate of two study hours per week. This course aims to introduce the student to what is related to the ancient eras and civilizations in Latin America, and also to study the most important literary movements that arose in the continent during and after independence from Spanish rule.This course contains the following subjects:History and ancient civilizations.Characteristics of Pre-Columbian Literature.Characteristics of Independence Literature.The most important writers and literary works in the Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods.

ES405 Textos Literarios 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that are taught in the seventh semester after the students pass the subject of Spanish literature (3). It is taught for two study hours per week. It includes the theoretical and practical side, as the practical side is based on the analysis of literary texts.This course contains the following types.Poetry topics.Poetic verses.Rhyme types.rhetorical images.Literary text analysis.

ES404 Traducción (3) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that are taught in the seventh grade for two hours per week, and it is required to study it that the student has passed the translation course (2), and the study hours are divided into theory, devoted to explaining the scheduled lesson, and other practical hours through which what has been explained through different texts is applied to translate it.This course contains the following subjects:The student gains an idea about some concepts related to the science of translation.Preparing the student and teaching him the concepts of written and interpreting translation.Enabling the student to acquire translation skills by translating various legal, scientific, political and cultural texts from Spanish into Arabic and vice versa.The student acquires the skills of translating some terms and concepts used in translating various texts.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ES412 Grammatical Structure 4 04 Compulsory +

It is a subject taught in the eighth semester after the student passes the grammatical structures course (3). The total balance of teaching hours is four weekly hours divided into two theoretical hours and two practical hours, in which students solve exercises and analyzes complex sentences. This course introduces the following subjects:Types of compound ordinal or harmonious sentences. Types of compound sentences that are close or connected.Types of nominal and descriptive compound sentences and their grammatical functions.Types of compound sentences with a kind of recursive structure and consecutive adverbial sentences and their functions.

ES414 Traducción (4) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the eighth and last semester, at a rate of two hours per week. To study it, the student must have passed the translation course (3). The study hours are divided into theory, devoted to explaining the scheduled lesson, and other practical hours through which what has been explained through different texts is applied to translate it. This course contains the following topics: The student acquires the skills of translating some political, sports and cultural texts from Spanish into Arabic and vice versaThe student acquires some terms used in translating political, sports and cultural textsThe student acquires the skills of translating some terms and the names of international organizations in some fields from the Spanish and Arabic languages.

ES415 Lexicología 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that are taught in the last eighth semester, after the student passes the terminology course (1) successfully, and it is taught for two hours per week. Also, this course is considered one of the indispensable materials for every language learner, as it is considered the basis from which the student starts to study the linguistic dictionary of the subject And disassemble the words to their original roots.This course contains the following subjects:Familiarity with the terminology of vocabulary and lexicography.Get to know his flags and find out his position within the linguistic sciences and other sciences.Gaining the ability to produce vocabulary and enrich the mother tongue to keep pace with the rapid development in science and its reflection on language.

ES416 Literatura de Ámerica Latina (2) 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the eighth semester, at the rate of two study hours per week, and it is required to study it that the student has passed Latin American literature (1), as this course aims to study the most important literary movements that arose in the continent during and after independence from Spanish rule and also Studying literary movements related to contemporary literature.This course contains the following subjects:Identify the following literary movements: Realismo - Modernismo - Nitrolismo and study the characteristics of each movement.Latin American Album (Phenomenon and Literary Style).Style and characteristics of the '98 generation.Boom Boom and Contemporary Literature.

ES418 (2) Termonología 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses taught in the eighth semester at a rate of two hours per week, and it is required to study it that the student has passed the terminology course (1), as this subject is considered one of the complementary and important subjects alike, and it gives the student various skills that can be used in the fields of work, and it includes: Communication Written and oral communication, the use of modern technological tools, information and communication technology.

ES419 Trabajo Fin de Grado 02 Compulsory +

Course objectives:This course is the culmination of all skills acquired along their postgraduate studies and aims to introduce students to their direct research experiences.The course is based on a prerequisite of 'Research Methodology' and students will be guided by a supervisor to put their knowledge of research methods into practice.